Sunday, April 18, 2010

..ChooSe a PareNt... I DoNt ThInk So..

"The one thing that you nor anyone will never get to choose is your parents"
I forgot where I heard or maybe read this verse but it keep hangin around my head. It just wont go away, it pops out almost everyday... I guess I cant get rid of it because I cannot find the 'advantage' in it. For me every quotes or verse will always had a meaning and advantage. Well, I'm the type of person who loves wise words, verses and proverbs because it helps in many ways. But this one.... hhmmm...
Today, when me and my family were on our way to meet my friend, we use a motor bike, and my eldest daughter get to sit on front. It was on the afternoon and almost dark. Again, she forgot to zip her coat, she always forgot to do it. And I dont know why but my husband was very mad at her and yelled at her. She was shocked. Of course he got the point, but its not appropriate. Than, again this verse pops out, only this time it ring the bell. Now I know why I never get the 'advantage' in it, its because I never see it from the parent side. Its like punch in the head, now that I'm a parent, it makes me think 'what kind of parent I have been??' and will learn not to blame them in any way because...poor them, they didn't get to choose....
Well I hope, someday if my daughters heard this verse they didn't say 'why that sound like a very bad news??!! can we just, like, roll it all over again' ....

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