Wednesday, April 28, 2010


One of the series around 80's-90's that I remember because of the ridiculous hair ... haha thats what I think back then... and still... Not trying to cheapen the movie, I like this movie too (but not one of my favorite).. Just cant stand the hair..
So, today I found this picture while blog browsing... And just realize now... that not only the hair is ridiculous ... the.. hmm..whatever you want to call it, I prefer body shape, is also ultra- goofy...

I've grown and I see things differently, this outfit makes me laugh when I see it the first time again ... I just cant take my eyes from the hip..
okay.. so they are an alienated human, but whats with the lines on their hip?.. is it a detachable costumes... and for Wilykit and Wilikat... please..., cud somebody put some clothes on them... If I had a 4 or 5 year old, I probably wouldn't let them to watch this movie.. cant stand if they try to imitate them.. LOL..
But, when I try to google the image.. this is what I found

Yaayy... the whole family heroes with clothes...
but they're not originally comes in clothes right?... they look like the first picture when they come right? I forgot... how come... goodness gracious!!

I think I need to take one of these... for my memory enhancer... gosh I'm getting O L D... a bit shame to say that...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

ugLy Bad LousY Dream!!

Haven't blog for a week... coming back to tell how this week is so different... I'm having three-in-a-row bad dreams... I dunno whats get in to me...well probably for the hard thinking I've been having the last view weeks...
but from all 3 bad dreams, the one that sticks is the last one.. the story almost like what happens in Final Destination only a bit different...
So, when it started I was suddenly in the middle of a Funeral of a friend (I prefer not to mention names here) and I came along with my other 3 friend. And whats freak about it is that the three of us could see the spirit of my dead friend and He/She was mad at us (I cant make, you know dreams sometime blur)... and throwing a balls of fire at us that sounds like a bomb... strange is that nobody else sees this..
The freak doesn't ended there... I wish a was awoke there but it continued... One by one my fellows who can saw the spirit died...until the last one.. I wake up... I didn't get to die yet... get relief.. nah ah...this is the part that makes me soooo freak out...
When you dream of someone you know is dead it means that the person is going to live long...that is what people here use to say... I dont know where that idea comes from, but that is what I heard since I was little... So, having my friends dead means that they will live long....
But I didn't get to died....... OMG!!! I really hated that dream and prefer not to believe in it... that is SO NOT TRUE... right???!!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

..ChooSe a PareNt... I DoNt ThInk So..

"The one thing that you nor anyone will never get to choose is your parents"
I forgot where I heard or maybe read this verse but it keep hangin around my head. It just wont go away, it pops out almost everyday... I guess I cant get rid of it because I cannot find the 'advantage' in it. For me every quotes or verse will always had a meaning and advantage. Well, I'm the type of person who loves wise words, verses and proverbs because it helps in many ways. But this one.... hhmmm...
Today, when me and my family were on our way to meet my friend, we use a motor bike, and my eldest daughter get to sit on front. It was on the afternoon and almost dark. Again, she forgot to zip her coat, she always forgot to do it. And I dont know why but my husband was very mad at her and yelled at her. She was shocked. Of course he got the point, but its not appropriate. Than, again this verse pops out, only this time it ring the bell. Now I know why I never get the 'advantage' in it, its because I never see it from the parent side. Its like punch in the head, now that I'm a parent, it makes me think 'what kind of parent I have been??' and will learn not to blame them in any way because...poor them, they didn't get to choose....
Well I hope, someday if my daughters heard this verse they didn't say 'why that sound like a very bad news??!! can we just, like, roll it all over again' ....

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Not at my best point of life, am struggling with a lot of things right now...
Be thankful and grateful somehow makes me feel better

Thank YOU God for...

  1. my 2 healthy daughter, they always brighten up my cloudy days
  2. me lovely hubby that keep on hangin' there.. I know its tough baby but we'll be just fine..
  3. my brothers... for the music and the doodles... always makes me smile..
  4. Dad.. for keeping him self healthy.. I still need you :)
  5. Mom.. cherished her in every way I guess..
  6. my job, have to admit there is bittersweet form of cherishing here.. lol
  7. my friends.. the refugee camp
  8. my big family for the love and support
Wew... quite a lot to be thankful...

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Genesis 2 : 2-3
And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.
Just got home from Church, and below is some snap shots of us at the car on the way to church.. We had a great Sunday.. hope you all do too... God Bless you...


Even our doggy in the dashboard got the snap..

Saturday, April 10, 2010


On Oprah today, they discuss about bullying, and they said that telling your kids to "ignore them" isn't going to work anymore. We must teach them to protect them selves and said to the other kid that they had enough and didn't want to be bullied anymore with a firm look and voice. Of course this is just not it, theres a lot of efforts that follows.
There were times when my 7 year old told me that there are some friends at school, especially the older kids would like to mock her with bad words or teased her and her friends at the school bus. I realize that this was a kind of bullying, but at that time I always tell her to ignore them and they will eventually stop teasing. But, this show opened my mind. Telling such things will not work anymore...

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Blind Side

So, last night I was just finished watching The Blind Side and the clock shows 1203 AM. Well I have to wait for my two angels to fall asleep to be able to enjoy the entire movie completely uninterrupted. And now I just cant wait to start blogging and spoil it out.

The movie tells about a boy named Michael Oher who had bad experience separated from his mother that makes him traumatized. He grew up from foster care to another and ended up beeing homeless. He barely speak. One day he met Leigh Ann Touhy and this is where they finally made changes to each other lifes. Finally, Michael become All American football player.

The Movie is based on a remarkable true story which is uplifting and heartwarming. I'm so much impressed by the determination of Leigh Ann in helping Michael. I know that her life is also changed by him, but there are stump and obstacles that got in the way that could have made anyone to just stop. But not Leigh Ann. This movie also shows how family support is so important. Her husband and even her kids support her in every decision. I love everything about this movie, the casts, the story, and even the song "Chances" by Five for Fighting.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Its About Taking Big Steps

Well I'm not going to talk about my youngest daughter who recently are learning to walk faster and jump here and there. I'm talking about when you finally end up in a spot in your life when you must whether you like it or not take big step to make a change for a better living, to thrive for your own sake or others. When I surf the net for BIG STEPS picture, came along a lot of picture showing a newly established business, couples getting married, or even a child or grown ups who literally is taking a big steps.

As a closer loop, a friend of mine who is finally taking a big step by adopting a child after a long years of waiting of their own, or a cousin who is finally takes a big steps to get married with our distant relatives for an arrange marriage.Whatever the cause and motives nor the aims and purposes, its tough and its not easy. It took courage, serious and repetitive thoughts it wouldn't be a BIG one if it doesn't. Because on some cases it could pull you out of your comfort zone or at least the zone that you "think" its comforting enough, but you'll never know until you have taken it.

The results, well, only the decision maker could feel the greatest impact. But one had to make sure that its the best and he/she deserves the result. If its for others sake, you must be sincere or you will regret it. But for me, there's no such things like that, every big step we made for others sake, in a way will also do something for ourselves eventually.

The most important thing is to never be afraid, be true to your self and follow you heart...

“Don't be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated; you can't cross a chasm in two small jumps.”

David Lloyd George quotes (British Prime Minister. 1863-1945)

I hope its not a boring post...

Monday, April 5, 2010

...Easter Egg Hunt...

Some picture update for the easter egg hunt... It was taken from a mobile camera.

Filia is so so excited for the hunt...


resting for a while with 1 pink egg on her hand... its her favourite color


curious with her egg...

She loves to slide, but really hates hitting the grass...
They really had a lot of fun, and cannot wait for the egg hunt next year...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Easter is Just around the Corner

Easter is coming... and my office will be on a long weekend holiday. Starting this Good Friday.
And will have quite a busy weekend with family, attending Church for Holy Communion and friends meeting on Friday, Wedding reception on Saturday and finally, what my kids been waiting for, Sunday Easter Egg Hunt and morning services at church and I've got Kevin's (my niece) birthday party on Sunday afternoon. Hopefully will be able to take some good picture of it all, especially on the egg hunt.

Thanking my GOD for such a wonderful family and such a wonderful life...and how He's willing to sacrifice His life for us who believed in Him...

"Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: 'He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.' Now I have told you."


Last week I watch this movie and cry half of the movie till its over for it so touching. The story is about a college professor meets this abandoned dog and they finally form an unbreakable bond. The dog arrives daily at the correct time at the station, to meet his owner. One day the professor died because of a a stroke while giving his lecture at the universtity and never came back to the train station, the dog keep waiting for his master for nearly a decade. The owner was played by Richard Gere and Joan Allen as his wife.

This movie is based on a true story of a Akita breed dog from Japan who waited for his master Hidesabure Ueno for nearly a decade after his owners dead. He waits everyday in front of the Shibuya Train Station in Tokyo. And he finally became famous in Tokyo for one of the professor student wrote an article about this dog and published it in the newspaper. Most of the people in Japan and I believe everyone who watched this movie will be touched by his loyalty and faithfulness. They made a bronze statue for Hachiko in front of the Shibuya Train Station and Hachiko him self was present at the opening ceremonial. And on March 8, each year, hundreds of dog lovers would held a solemn ceremony of remembrance at the train station.

As for me, the story of Hachiko reminds me of a spirit of a family. It amazed me on how a dog can be so devoted and never stop believing that his master will came back, even though he never knew when. He just never stop waiting. I even asks my 7 year old to watch this movie for an example of faith and loyalty towards someone we really care and love. As for your who haven't watched this movie and wud like to see it, i suggest you to bring a long a pack of tissue with you...